Professional Employment History
Employment and Advisory Roles in
2006 – present
Current Executive Director, Policy and Impact, RMIT University.
Current Vice-Chancellor’s Innovation Professor, RMIT University.
2014-17 Honorary Senior Fellow, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne.
2014-15 Visiting Professor, Copenhagen Business School, International Advisory Board, Mindlab.
2013-16 Consultant Adviser, US Education Program, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, United States.
2003-06 Trustee and Chair of Learning Program, NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts).
Employment and Advisory Roles in
1998 – 2013
2010–13 Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Australian Prime Minister.
2007–10 Policy Director and Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
2006–07 Executive Director, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victorian Government and Director of Applied Learning, ANZSOG (parallel part-time appointments).
1999–06 Director, Demos, London.
1998-99 Special Adviser, Rt Hon David Blunkett MP, Secretary of State for Education and Employment.
1995-98 Researcher, Demos.
1984 – 1994
I was educated in state schools in London and studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Wadham College, Oxford.
1994-94 BA (Hons), Philosophy, Politics and Economics University of Oxford.
1990-91 Haverstock School, London NW1.
1984-90 Raines Foundation School, London E2.